Well, the good news is I'm done with the cytoxin and cytarabine, two of my least favorite drugs, for a while. The bad news is we now get to sit back and watch them decimate my blood counts for a couple of weeks.
Today found me back at the clinic for "labs." "Labs" really is just a euphemism for stealing from the little bit of blood you have and looking at it under a microscope to make sure they're keeping you alive. I of course kid -- kind of -- western medicine really does amaze me.
It's really quite strange how quickly a new situation becomes "normal." For twenty-two years I would go years without visiting a doctors office. Now, spending two full days a week in the clinic, getting blood drawn, analyzing labs, getting an occasional pint of blood or platelets, being given chemo drugs, swallowing chemo drugs, injecting chemo drugs, having to have someone wrap my arm in plastic wrap daily to shower, and a myriad of other bizarre experiences have all become "normal."
Anyway, I digress. Today my labs found that I was rather severely anemic, and I received two bags of fresh red blood cells, so thanks to the two people out there somewhere who so generously gave blood. I do appreciate it, although one of them made me a bit itchy, and I couldn't help but think as the blood was coming into me "I hope this individual didn't smoke, drink, eat a Big Mac and engage in unprotected promiscuous sex before giving this blood." Well, one can hope at least -- beggars can't be choosers.
I guess I'm not one to talk when it comes to eating healthy; I've been a bit of a gluten lately. They say the key to cancer-fighting foods is to ensure you eat a lot of foods with color. If that's the case, then the frosted blueberry Pop-tart with red, green, yellow, blue, and orange sprinkles that I ate tonight must be the best cancer fighting food ever -- The thing looked like the grand finally at a fourth of July fireworks display.
The Pop-tart washed down about half of a pizza with sausage, pepperoni, and artichoke hearts. Yesterday I drowned my sorrows from the depressing badger basketball game with two tasty Barbecue Beef sandwiches with baked beans and pasta salad. I'm wearing my fat pants, and I'm not even on steroids (I don't know if you can really call them "fat" pants when you're "up" to 130 pounds...)
Well, that's about it for the update. In general I'm feeling quite well and thoroughly enjoying life. This weekend was wonderful. I spent it with Katie, going on walks, cooking meals, driving around and listening to music. Tomorrow I plan on taking my new red blood cells out for a test drive on a long walk if it's warm enough or on my bike (preferably both).
Thursday will find me back at the clinic for more labs, and two more chemo drugs (Vincristine and Peg Asparaginase). My blood counts will likely be very low for the next two weeks, so lots of good vibes would be much appreciated.
Until next time,
Shout Outs:
SO Mitch, Shane and Travis: Great job in the Birkie and I hope to be there with you in a few years.
SO to Stuart and Candace: I hope you feel better, Candace, and I hope you're getting some sleep, Stuart.
So to Dick: Congratulations on your amazing progress and have fun swinging the tennis raquet.
SO to Pete: Thanks for the book, I love it.
SO to Sare and Andrew: Thanks for the belated birthday present, the shirt fits brilliantly, and the book is beautiful. I can't wait to get back out there.
SO to Robin: Thanks for the e-mail, it brightened my day.