Well tomorrow will find me in the clinic for another spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy. The results of the biopsy tell if and how well treatment is working and will determine the next course of treatment. I'll update with results when I know them which I expect to take about one week. In the meantime, Here's a quick story that I'm hoping will help bring me good karma...
One pleasant evening late this summer, roughly a month before this whole adventure began, I stopped by my sister Kate's house with my buddy Phil and some delicious Po Boys from New Orlean's Takeout for a pleasant dinner (if you're not familiar with New Orleans Takeout in Madison, become familiar).
While enjoying our delicious cajun, Kate reminded me that my Dad and Sister (pictured) were cycling a century in New England to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of my mother, a lymphoma survivor, and in memory of my grandmother who had multiple myloma (With Leukemia, I now complete the royal flush of blood cancers in my family). Kate further pointed out that the ride was the upcoming weekend, that my sister, Sare, was only $80 shy of raising her goal, and that neither of us had yet sent a donation.
"If you throw in $40 I'll do the same, and we'll be her heros," Kate said.
Feeling this an extremely worthwhile cause and having some money in my annual charitable donations budget I chimed in:
"I'll happily give $100, I'll bring you a check tomorrow for you to send to her."
Kate cocked her head, looked at me oddly and said, "But she only needs $80 to meet her goal."
I laughed and smugly replied "I think the real goal is to cure blood cancer, and I'm afraid $80 just won't do it."
I'm happy to report that I sent $100 to Sare for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and while I doubt this amount alone was enough to find the cure to blood cancers, tonight I'm at least hoping it will bring me some good Karma.
Thanks for all of the love, support and kindness, and for following my Journey.
In my defense:
Phil and Sam showed up with footlong spicy sandwiches wrapped in butcher-type paper and two bottles of beer. My lovely roomie, Leah, had made enough dinner for the neighborhood and graciously offered me some. She and I ate a beautiful vegetarian butternut squash creation on light and fluffy rice pilaf in very posh bowls, while Sam and Philly ate plateless off of paper on the other side of the table. Leah and I had wine in fragile, high-necked glasses. They drank beer out of bottles.
It was a nice dinner.
I'm sure I was distracted by the gender stereotypes transpiring at the table to be doing much mental math... or to be making much sense, for that matter.
That was really really funny.
I'm so glad you recorded the full story here... It really was a fun night and the gender stereotype could not have been funnier.
What can I say, Philly and I are a couple of good ole' boys...
That's a great story! I'll have you know you and Kate pushed me over the $2,700 mark. Our 30 member cycling team from central NY raised over $55,000 for blood cancer research!
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has a national program called Team in Training to raise money to fund blood cancer research. Check it out and ride, run, or complete a triathalon on Sam's behalf!
The website is: http://www.teamintraining.org/
Sam- I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog! I have learned that the hyperCVAD treatment I'll be getting is often the front-line treatment for ALL, as well. I am hoping I don't have all these spinal taps, but we'll just have to see about that. Your stories are very inspiring. It looks like you, too, know the joy of having many others stand beside you during this season in life. Let's battle this together, eh? I'll be in touch...
Sammy-boy! i must give credit where credit is due....the other night i shamelessly out ping ponged one of my friends...i couldn't help but remember the hours we used to spend in the basement pinging and ponging to our hearts delight! hahha that also made me recall the night you and Scott scared the shit out of me and literally made me scream and cry...thinking there was an intruder in the house!! ahhhh, memories : ) hahha
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