When you start getting the "Are you still alive?" emails, it's probably a sign the time has come to update your blog. I must, once again, apologize for the blog update blackout, or "blogout." I am happy to report, however, that whereas the last blogout resulted from being in rather rough shape, this blogout resulted from feeling quite well and devoting my energy to getting work done, getting outside, and doing my best to respond to individual emails and calls -- things I hadn't been able to keep up with in the previous month.
Furthermore, nothing terribly exciting or humorous has happened in the last two weeks to share with you. No blood spurting on walls, unexpected blagojeviching, or late night needle runs. Boring is good. I hope for much more boring in the coming months.
There is one entertaining story to share with you...
While I've been feeling rather well, my blood counts have been hammered by the recent round of chemos and I've needed a few fill ups. Since my last post I've received 4 pints of platelets and 2 more pints of red blood cells.
Last Thursday my platelet count had fallen once again and they brought me back to the chemo room where my transfusion was to take place. I asked my friendly nurse Suzanne if I was to get one or two bag of platelets...
"Just one bag today, you can't get to stingy on us now, Sam," she joked.
After taking pre-meds (Benedryl and Tylenol) and waiting a half hour for them to kick in in order to prevent an allergic reaction, the bag of platelets arrived from the blood bank. It was HUGE. Suzanne held it up and stared at it in disbelief.
"I've never seen a bag of platelets this big," she said.
She began calling other nurses over and I watched in a bene-drilled haze as nurses gathered with comically shocked expressions on their faces.
For the next hour, as the platelets dripped, nurses from all over the chemo room came to my bay having heard the rumor of the giant bag of platelets.
The truly amazing thing is that it was all from a single donor. To use one of my favorite expressions, someone joined the "man-up club" at the blood donation bank, and to the mystery donor I am forever thankful.
All right: the medical update:
Let's see, its just after midnight meaning we just entered Wednesday, day 56 of the 57 day "month from hell." On Thursday I am scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy to see how we're doing with treatment. Any good vibes, thoughts, positive energy, prayers, ritual dances or ceremonies you can send or perform would be much appreciated.
If my counts are high enough, we will begin the next stage of treatment on Thursday as well, however, my labs on Monday showed that they were still very low, so this is exceedingly unlikely.
Fun Stuff:
Comment Question of the Day:
I'll be sedated for Thursday's bone marrow biopsy which is always interesting because, try as they might, they can never seem to give me enough to put me to sleep, only enough to make my recollection of the event hazy. I end up talking, and talking, and talking throughout the entire procedure and often have rather comical things to say (I know this because I've tape-recorded it in the past.)
In an attempt to save myself the embarrassment of rambling on for a half hour about "the therapeutic qualities of beer and wine," I now usually listen to soothing music while under sedation. I was rather content with randomly picking an album off my ipod until I was driving recently, heard The Ramones "I want to be sedated" on the radio, and decided the irony was just too great to pass up -- the time had come to compile a "Sedation Playlist" on my Ipod.
So, the comment question of the day: What songs (ironic, soothing, or otherwise) should go on the "Sedation Playlist?"
Shout Outs:
SO to Sharky -- I love the shadow box and can't wait to see you.
SO to Philly -- Hope you excelled in Saturday's beer pong tournament.
SO to Shelly -- Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.
SO to Stuart -- Congrats on hitting the halfway mark... hope you're home and comfortable.
SO to P. Taglia -- Thanks for the prompt and thourough answer to the efficiency question.
SO to Johnson -- It's great to hear from you... hope you have a great break in New Orleans.
SO to Schmidty -- Congrats on Teach for America... Can't wait 'till your back in the Midwest where you belong.
Take care,
For the Sedation Playlist
John Prine's "Illegal Smile" He always says it isn't about dope, but he winks.
John Hiatt's "Tennessee Plates" Going to see Graceland in a stolen car "Threee bank jobs later, four cars hot wired / We crossed the Mississippe like an oil slick fire." If you start talking outloud on these lyrics, you'll entertain everyone in the room.
BIG VIBES all day on Thursday.
Good to hear from you Sam!
sam! thanks for the SO. looking forward to moving back West.
great to hear about your progress. lots of prayers coming your way thursday.
be well,
Hi there Sam:Good vibes today so I'm sure sending them to you. I tried to re do our profiles so when I send this you might just get legs and feet, but I'm hoping you get the other end. (Between you and me, my other grandkids and our kids and maybe Granddad too stop reading,) but I almost sent you a FUNNY, slaphappy SEXY book that 3 women wrote about having breast cancer, but decided maybe that just wasn't the best thing for a Grandmom, also one to be a Great Grandmom and is a Godmother besides, to send ones'Grandson, soooo I'll leave that up to your Mother!!!!!. you known I'm kidding right ?????As always you are on my mind so my prayers are with you at all times, so when you have all your tests I am there holding your hand too like when you were a kid and had your ear cut open and had stitches with out freezing or anything. (I hope it helped a little) Your GMom and GDad
Well what do you know I didn't get my profile changed after all that.
It's good to read from you again Sam! So this may be a day too late, but Glen Phillips "I Wanna a New Drug" is a good song. I would suggest checking out the rest of his tunes. Good stuff.
Thanks for the update... we've missed you. I am back in the hospital with a STAPH infection and fever. They had to take my port out and I will be on antibiotics the next 14 days. You just never know what to expect, do you! :)
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