Sometimes Halloween costumes just make themselves. When I awoke this Holiday morning with the realization that I was bald, skinny, pale, awkward, knobby-kneed, insomniac, and hyped-up on a miraculous cocktail of mind-altering drugs that illicit some remarkable hallucinations -- how could I not celebrate this Halloween dressed in tribute to the late gonzo journalist and cult hero, Hunter S. Thompson?
Mad props to Katie for quickly and spontaneously finding the props to make the costume work.
Today became a perfect day, spent gallivanting about our quiet neighborhood taking pictures with my adorable girlfriend in the childlike pleasure that Halloween always brings.
Our pleasant day is being spent a bit more low key, and enjoyable, then the absolute Madness that infamously overwhelms State Street every year on this date. The massive Badger win today should only add to the festivities and debauchery.
Instead, of entering or spectating the madness, I plan on staying home with Katie and my parents to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000, "Werewolf," one of my all time favorite films. Few things in life beat the entertainment value of watching a movie that tries so hard but fails to thrill and entertain only to succeed masterfully at being produced so poorly that it brings shrill laughter, cheer, and delight.
Enjoying life and wishing you all well -- On this day, don't forget to find your inner child and dance with delight in the revelry of Halloween.
Hunter S. Thompson... Priceless. I went as a pirate for the Not-So-Scary Halloween Trail at the YMCA. It was fun. Glad you are in good spirits. Take care.
Howdy Sam! I'm Erin, we met very briefly a year or so ago. I'm one of Adam Schmidt's good friends. Anyway, he turned me on to your blog.
Today I signed up for my 2nd Team In Training event to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and while I'm chugging away to train for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (ridiculous I know!) I will keep you in my thoughts.
Your costume looked wonderful. Wishing you many more wonderful days.
--Erin Canty
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