"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." These wise words from Thomas Gray generally apply to life. I'm now learning the hard way they're also applicable to my follicle state...
Because the chemo drugs knocked out all of my hair before radiation, I had no idea which hair loss was from chemo and which was from radiation.
Now that some of my hair is growing back, I was distressed (actually amused) to find that the outside of my eyebrows (within the field of radiation) remain completely bald, as the inside of my eyebrows begin to grow thickly for about 3/4 of an inch.
As a result, I now have a constant expression of puzzlement and inquisitiveness... At least I don't look angry like Uncle Leo (pictured).
So, if you should run into me on the street, I'm not confused -- it's just the eyebrows...
For a quick update, we're now back on track and I'm getting the rough stuff right now (the same stuff that put me in the hospital last time). It's beginning to hit me, but I'm so excited about getting close to a finish line that I remain in really good -- nearly euphoric -- spirits.
Last week Monday I got what I hope to be my final bag of cytoxin. I never thought getting cytoxin could be a celebration, but as I sat in the chair listening to music, I couldn't help but smile and rock out as I thought that this could well be the last of the toxic stuff that I watch drip into my veins.
Tuesday, snow, snow and more snow. 18 inches here in Madison. I was so excited that I headed out into the night for some "sidewalk skiing" despite my inability to find my poles. All went well until a few blocks away my skis began to slide out from under me and I went ass over teakettle in a valuable lesson regarding both Newton's Law and Karma (for gloating about a snowstorm.)
Not wanting to come in, as I would have felt like Ralphy from "A Christmas Story" who had just shot himself with the Red Rider BB Gun, I continued skiing with my elbow and my pride a bit worse for wear...
That night I had another 3am "here we go again," session of blagejeviching, and Wednesday morning I woke up unable to move my elbow as it swollen to a point that it looked as though I was trying to smuggle a racquetball under my skin.
It healed rather quickly, however, and I'm hopeful that I'll get back out on the skis this week -- with poles this time.
My good friend Phil has been in and out of town. It was great to see and spend some time with him. He and I know each other a little to well, and many who have spent time with us have laughed as he and I bicker like an old married couple. We really know how to get on each others nerves, but we have also shared some of our greatest adventures together, and it was fun both to goof around and to reminisce about absurd adventures of the past.
I've always meant to write some "Phil stories" on this blog, but I don't even know where to begin...
That's really most of the excitement. I'm entering what I expect to be a really rough three weeks, but eagerly anticipating getting it behind me -- and hopefully getting back to life.
Any good vibes you can spare would be appreciated.
Festive holiday vibes radiate toward all of you, from me.
Take care, and happy holidays,
My thoughts are with you, my friend. I will say once again that I am confident that you will prevail. Happy Holidays to you!
I hope you'll be fine. Hold still never lose hope, I will pray for you.
Glad to hear you got out on skiis! I was really jealous of the 19 inches you guys got last week... until I saw the temp the next days was like -20 with windchill and my nostalgia/winter wonderland fantasy quickly evaporated! The current forcast for DC over the 48 hours is... Thundersnow! 10-20 inches and thunder. I think Louis Black does a bit about a bleak, gray, winter day with lightning and how revolting it was. Anyways, have a great holiday, stay warm, and good luck with the rough stuff!!!
ok grazie
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