Friday, May 22, 2009

"Am I bleeding?... Nope - Just Salsa" and other Stories of the Day

Today was entertaining. Every Friday before Memorial Day Weekend should be. Yesterday my neutrophils were still too low to start round four, so we pushed it back to next Wednesday for another test. So today I was happy to head back to work.

Fridays when I'm healthy enough to go out are like holidays because its fish taco Friday at The Cabana Room -- All-you-can-eat of the world's best fish tacos for $8.95. You show me someone who claims to make a better fish taco and I'll show you a liar...

So after downing a bowl of chips with salsa, rice and beans, and part of Katie's sandwich I was well into my fourth fish taco when I wiped my nose and was surprised to find bright red on my napkin.

"Shit, am I bleeding?" I asked aloud as I wiped my nose again.

"Nope, just salsa," I responded to my own question as I glanced back at the napkin after taking a second swipe of my face, quickly returning to the fish taco at hand.

We then headed to a coffee shop below my office to grab a decaf for me and a chai latte for Katie. After the gentleman behind the counter rang up the drinks, he looked at me with a bit of a surprised expression and said:

"Don't you want a cookie as well?"

"I suppose I had better," I responded.

"Chocolate Chip, Right?"


Perhaps it is a sign that you're eating too many cookies when a Barrista expresses shock at the very thought of you not ordering one.

It was only after this exchange that I realized that I drink a decaf coffee and eat a chocolate chip cookie every afternoon I am in the office -- perhaps this helps explain the recent weight gain -- to use an old joke, what used to be a six pack is now rapidly becoming a snack pack.

To try to keep this in check as well as maintain some level of fitness, I have spent a great deal of time on my bike and walking this week. It feels great to get outside in the warm air, and I find myself wanting to stay up late wandering the streets on these beautiful summery nights.

Also, as you may have noticed, I've completed a bit of a comeback:

Three months ago I'd have weeks when I didn't have the energy to update the blog or get any meaningful amounts of work done. Then, slowly I started updating the blog. Then, I stopped updating the blog because I had the energy to get work done, but this would basically exhaust my supply of energy for the day. Then I started working and exercising a bit. Now, I have the energy to get work done, exercise, and update the blog.

I know that rougher seas lie ahead again, but for the time being it's smooth sailing and life is beautiful.

Shout Outs:

SO to Dennis: Lunch was great.
SO to Sare: I look forward to seeing you this weekend
SO to Scott: It's good to hear from you and I hope that you enjoyed frisbee golf and the movie
SO to Schmidty: What's your beef with Waxman/Markey?
SO to Schryver: Have fun in the Porkies
SO to Philly: Here's to picking up women in that new sexy Ford Taurus
SO to Sarah S. for introducing me to FML blog, though it took up three of my hours this evening
SO to the Fond Du Lac mystery individual who dressed as an ape and tried to steal a display banana from gas stations. Here's the real news story:

Man in ape costume tries to steal banana displays

FOND DU LAC, Wis. (AP) — Police continue a fruitless search for a man wearing an ape costume who has attempted to steal foam banana displays from inside local gas stations. Capt. Steve Klein said Thursday someone donning an ape costume entered two gas stations Wednesday trying to steal the displays and police have received several calls about the suspect hanging around town. While Klein acknowledges that the action may seem funny, they want to talk to the person behind the ape suit because they aren’t sure what the suspect’s motives are.

I'd imagine the person's motives were to make people laugh -- and at this they were wildly successful.

Have a safe, happy, and memorable Memorial Day Weekend.

Happy Trails,



Stuart said...

So you make a claim about those fish tacos that makes me want to find a way up there to join you! How are they made?
What kind of fish?
Grilled of fried?
Single fillet or multiple pieces?
Corn or flour?
What kind of filling do they throw in there - slaw, etc?
What kind of sauce?

Man, I am craving them just thinking about it...

How many can you eat in one sitting?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sam. Both were very enjoyable. Stick in there.