I must once again apologize for the posting blackout -- I've been playing the waiting game and having fun with steroid withdrawal round 2 this week.
The second round of steroid withdrawal was very different. I experienced one night of rather intense bone pain in my legs, which was rough, but what stands out as far worse were crazy dreams resulting from a lack of the drug in my system. It completely messed up my conception of time to the point where one night felt like a week, and I experienced crazy dreams in what I can only describe as a semi-conscious state. I've never done drugs, but I imagine that it was very much like what a bad trip is like -- If it is, then stay away from those mushrooms and LSD.
Luckily, that all seems to be moderating now, and I've gotten back to feeling rather like myself (just much slower at moving around), which is great. I'm exercising everyday and that really keeps me going.
All right, after the last testing fiasco, I'm getting really gun shy about spreading or believing good news, so I'll tell you everything I know in narrative form.
I received a phone call yesterday morning from the research director of my protocol at the clinic who said that my MRD was below 1 percent and I will be moving on with my chemo protocol. I'm almost afraid to believe it until I see it in writing and talk to the doctor tomorrow.
I want to thank all of you for sending the good vibes. Last week I sat in the chemo chair meditating thinking of all of you and focusing on sending all my energy and yours toward healing.
Tomorrow, I'll begin the next stage of treatment known as consolidation. My understanding is that it is the most intense stage of treatment and of massive importance as it is designed to deliver the "knock out punch" to the leukemia.
Beginning at 11:00 and lasting through mid-afternoon, I'm scheduled to have another spinal tap and two two new chemo drugs. Any positive thoughts/vibes/healing dances you could send my way/do on my behalf would be very much appreciated.
All right, back to the climb.
Praying for you, Sam.
Sorry about the spinal - those SUCK! Hopefully you will have better luck than Stuart.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Stu is out on the couch (no energy) and started lsoing his hair (it;s about 1/2 out)
hey Sam! i think of you and your family often...good luck and keep on truckin'!
Happy Birthday Sammy!!!! Hope the spinal tap procedure goes fast and painless. Love you sweetie.
Happy Birthday Sam, doesn't sound like a fun way to spend your birthday, but perhaps it's a good omen? Thinking of you!!
Happy birthday cuz... thinking about you today.
Love you
Sam! Happy Happy Birthday. Thinking of you today because it's your birthday. (And you don't need a hair cut, but Gramps sure does.)
Happy Birthday Sam! I'm praying that everything goes well today.
And praying that it won't be too
painful. Grandpa is thinking of you
also and until you can get a hair cut he probably won't either. (You know this is a bad attempt of my humor.) Only you know what I mean.
We love you. (Hi to Katie.)
You only got half my message. I also said the hair cut business was
my sorry attempt at humor.
I'm praying that everything went the way it was suppose to and less
painful. I love you
Today went well. I bet not too many people your age know how to give themselves shots in the stomach!!! I'm sure this is a birthday you'll not soon forget. Happy birthday, sammy-boy. I'm glad you, me, and Lil' Katie got to spend it together.
Great to hear to the good news.
By the way, you know it's like bad trip if you find yourself screaming things like "I've lost all sense of time!" or, while watching Anchorman, "Will Ferrell is the devil!!!" or so people have told me...
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