Stage 2 of the climb began today. It's rumored to be one of the steepest sections of the climb. More literally, Day 1 of consolidation and being 23 is coming to a close, and it's been a good day -- much better than yesterday.
Here's what I learned today: We're still waiting on the result of one final test, and the chemo drug (cytoxan) that they gave me today will stay in my system for around 72 hours, so please keep the good vibes coming.
This is also a stage of treatment where I'm at a high risk of infection and the doctor tells me there's about a fifty percent chance that I will end up in the hospital for a stretch of it -- most likely in about ten days. This means I'll likely need to be almost entirely home bound -- might not even get out on my occasional excursions as I do now -- which brings up my Netflix Challenge so please check out the bottom of this post labeled NETFLIX CHALLENGE.
I also learned, or rather confirmed, that I'm an anomaly (I guess I always have been). How much so? Here's a list of what I had done today in order of those that caused me the greatest anxiety:
1. Spinal Tap without sedation (This one I think is pretty normal to rank high)
2. Getting New pills I need to swallow
3. Having to get up at 8:30am and step into a -20 degree wind chill
4. Having to give myself a shot in the stomach of a chemo drug
I can only believe that the vast majority of people would bump up number four a bit, but it didn't bother me all that badly. Swallowing pills the size of regular strength Tylenol, now that is a real challenge for a guy who avoided almost all medication for 22 years because "it just can't be good for you; it's unnatural."
Early this afternoon, the nurse brought me a cup full of "pre-meds" before chemotherapy. The biggest of them, an important anti-nausea medication that she informed me "don't worry, everybody can swallow that, even our patients with throat cancer."
"Okay, Sam, you can do this" I thought to myself, threw it to the back of my throat, and promptly spit it back up into my hand. "Hmmm." The friendly nurse, Mary, luckily shared my sense of humor and adventure, so we decided to make crack open the capsule, make a slurry with water in a measuring glass and do a shot 'o anti-nausea -- Not ever done orally to my knowledge, but I figure if I can handle a "Flaming Dr. Pepper" (don't ask), I can handle anything. With great apprehension and a host of nervous eyes looking at me I did the shot, looked up and after a short pause responded "hmm, tastes of candy" to the surprise of everyone in the room. Well, no complaints here -- other than that each pill costs about $100... Although worth every penny if it continues to work.
Later in the afternoon, as I received cytoxan and was feeling a bit of discomfort from the LP, Katie was sitting next to me, leaning close, holding my hand, and we were both listening to my ipod with one ear bud in each of our ears. A short while later, Katie and Mum left to go to the cafeteria and the nurse, Mary, came in and asked "Where did your mom and sister go?"
I was a little loggy, and had to think for a minute. "I didn't think Kate was here, those drugs must really be messing with my mind..." I thought. ***I must pause here to note that my girlfriend's name is Katie, my sister's name is Kate if this isn't self-evident*** Another thinking pause... "Ohh, sh**, she thinks Katie's my sister."
"That's my girlfriend, not sister." I said laughing
"Ahhh, I thought you to must be mighty close for siblings."
We both got a good laugh.
The anti-nausea pre-meds included a low dose steroid, so tonight I've had the appetite of a horse and am still up at 12:30am. I feel great, as I usually do on chemo nights. It's always the day after that is hardest, so I never want to go to sleep because I feel good and know that I'll wake up feeling rough; But as long as I have my nights I'm ecstatic.
I got home after a close call of having to urinate in the car on the 15 minute commute (I'm super-hydrated), I ate a light meal and jumped on my bike for 10 minutes. I will ride my bike every day that I am able, period. Then I stretched as I watched the President bid farewell to the nation.
Katie, Mom, Dad and I then enjoyed the Badger Men's basketball game (as much as you can enjoy a game Bucky blows it right at the end -- what's with Wisconsin teams this year???).
Then, I finished the night by putting on some music and Katie and I danced together. It was wonderful -- One of those things I rarely took the time to do before cancer that brings such simple and pure enjoyment.
Please, do me a favor and take a break from your routine to think about and show someone how much you love them, we all do this far to rarely in life.
Overall a great night. I can only hope tomorrow will be as well.
THE NETFLIX CHALLENGE -- Comment question of the day:
Need a distraction from work? Bored at home? Just want to help me out? Do I have a task for you...
The doctor warns that I'll likely be pretty much stuck at home entirely (if i'm lucky) or in the hospital over this stretch of treatment. My Aunt Vicky was kind enough to buy me a subscription to Netflix, and so I need your help.
You see, I just don't know what to put in my queue. I know the types of movies/TV I want, just not individual ones. So, if you could compile a list of best movies in the following categories and post it to the comments on this post (or email me at, I would be forever grateful.
Again, I will echo myself, and say that everyone should feel free to participate. Don't feel awkward if you don't know me well or we've never met. I love seeing different people's tastes, and I love getting unexpected emails/comments.
I will announce a winner at some indeterminate point and they will be rewarded -- I'm really hoping with dinner, we'll see how my white blood cells are doing and treatment goes...
The categories include:
1. Sam needs to laugh his ass off and take his mind off of cancer comedies
2. Sam's coming off steroids and is willing to admit he really enjoys Notting Hill on the oxygen network chick flicks and romantic comedies (have fun ladies)
3. Sam needs to go after the lingering lymphoblasts like Butch Cassidy blows up trains Action/Adventure (English nuts will note the alliteration of "lingering lymphblasts like")
4. Sam wants to watch his friend's/families/coworkers/strangers top 2 favorite movies of all time regardless of category, so he can think of them while he can't have visitors (Open category)
One rule: try to censor for movies where no one dies of cancer... Shortly after my mother was diagnosed with lymphoma, my sister brought home "The Stepmom" having heard it was a good movie thinking it would provide a nice distraction. This logical and thoughtful gesture backfired when the stepmom in the movie died of lymphoma at the end. Today we laugh about it; what are the chances???
All right. Take your time, make a list, and post it to the comment or email me. Don't worry if you're reading this late, I'll check back to the comments often.
I'm going to begin sending shout outs to the people who help me out through this who might never know it. I am forever grateful and amazed by my caregivers -- my girlfriend, my family, and the staff at the hospital and clinic -- and do my best to show them my gratitude. Fighting this often feels like it takes three full time jobs.
Shout outs, however, will be for those who help me in huge ways who I'm not able to thank face to face. They will also be for people I'm thinking about at the time. Tonight there will be quite a few.
*SO to Dennis for all the emails, they've helped me more than you'll ever know
*Belated SO to Vicky for the Netflix
*SO to Abby for designing and making the "chemo shirt" its a hit like you wouldn't believe and the clinic and sooo much more comfortable than having to strip down to short sleeves -- we really need to talk about this...
*SO to Terry for sending me an email out of the blue
*Belated SO to Schmidty for the Isle Royale Poster
*SO to Mark, I hope your arms doing better
*Belated SO to Ryan for introducing me to the band "The National." "Fake Empire" is the song that pumps me up for chemo and keeps me focused when I'm at the clinic. Also, thanks for suggesting "Arrested Development," makes me laugh like you wouldn't believe.
*Belated SO to Keith for the book and the card, cheered me up right when I needed it
*SO to Grandpa and Grandma Giles, I love and miss both of you -- here's hoping you find some great lion's paws in the morning, Sharky.
*SO to Grandpa Weis, It was great to talk to you tonight
All right, I had best get to bed as the hour now approaches 2:00am. Today was another good one, and if experience is an indicator I can expect tomorrow to be one of rough seas, but I am ready for it -- It is all part of the journey and as long as I can look forward to days like today I shall enjoy life as much if not more than I ever have.
Stay Warm,
"With a little love and luck, you'll get by
With a little love and luck, we'll take the sky."
Wise and comforting words from the philosopher Jimmy Buffett.
Hey Sam--three movies that immediately come to mind are Juno, Waitress, and Milk--in no particular order, I loved all of them. Being an unrepentant chick flick aficionado, I can supply you with more romantic comedy titles than you'd be able to stand without additional medication!
Sending good vibes (which have been proven to travel better in frigid weather)---katie (nekola, to avoid further confusion)
Hey Sam,
While these two flicks fall into Category 4, I'm sending them to you as Category 3 choices. These will disipate lingering lymphoblasts and keep you awake better than a double shot of prednisone.
TREMORS. Always stay 1 degree away from Kevn Bacon. Anytime you get to see Kevin Bacon with Reba McEntire and Fred Ward you are on to something.
BARBAROSA. Not Barbarela. The absolutely best existential western ever made. Willie Nelson and Gary Busy. My favorite line: "Always stand still until your're done shooting. Nothin' scares a man (lymphoblast) more than for you to be standin' still still when you should be runnin' like a spotted assed ape."
Under Category 2, you could check out The Sound of Music and do karaoke to "Cimb Every Mountain." Take video.
Well Sam.. here goes.
For the Comedy Category, the first one that comes to mind is Just Visiting. I laughed so hard that I was crying, one of those laughs that I hadn't had for awhile and needed. Although, others tell me it is the stupidest movie they have ever seen, it really touched my funny bone.
Romance category is a classic - When Harry Met Sally. Nothing better in the you have all you need right in front of you category.
Action - Im not much of an action type person. I don't do blood and guts very well so tend to stay away from a lot of the R rated in this category. My couple of favorites in this category is Face Off and Fast and Furious, although I have to admit the second is for the good looking men.
My other two would have to be Steel Magnolias for the humor and Titanic for the romance and the cool design and costumes....
Sam- Great to see the updates flowing forth (even if it is steriod-induced!) I am thinking about you every day. You're not in this alone. I will have to leverage your movie list, as I am no stranger to the quarantining that has to happen as a part of this. FUN! I check back in on Tuesday for my next week of inpatient treatment. Cytoxan is a four-letter word...
Sammy, you know i've never been much of a movie watcher, so my suggestions mostly are very well-known movies, but here it goes.
Category 1: even though you've seen it tons of times, I always defer to Drop Dead Gorgeous for a laugh. I'm also glad to see that you're watching Arrested Development because that's one of favorite shows. A movie that is a bit more obscure is Reefer Madness (the musical of 2005, not the actual 1930s propaganda film). It's pretty out there, but I got a good laugh!
Category 2: Casablanca? not too sure about this one
Category 3: Mr & Mrs Smith. All I can say is that it's two incredibly gorgeous people kicking the shit out of each other- very fun to watch ;)
Category 4: Shrek is probably my all-time favorite movie (it's also my default movie when I'm down or hungover).
Glad to hear things are moving along in a positive direction!
Hi Sam, keep up the good fight. This is Jim and Kay Barnhart. Here's some movies from the older folks.
Cat 1)
The In-Laws. Get the old one with Peter Falk in it. You will then know why people laugh when someone say's "Serpentine Shell"
Talledaga nights - I just recently watched this on a plane to Japan to meet with Nintendo. I was laughing out loud and smiling as people on the plane gave me wierd looks. It might have been a few whiskey's got me in the mood.
Airplane - the 1st one. It's very slapstick humor, but very good. Quit calling me Shirley
The Blues Brothers. We're on a mission from God.
Animal House - since we're on Belushi, have to mention this one.
The Birdcage cracks me up. Many Robin Williams movies do that.
Category 2)
This is Jim writing this, so I have a hard time writing about love stories, but there are a few.
The Electric Horseman with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. It's got horses in it.
On Golden Pond - Henry Fonda and Kathryn Hepburn - a classic that will remind you of Rhinelander.
Category 3)
My all-time favorite is the Untouchables with Sean Connery and Kevin Costner.
48 hours with Eddie Murphey and Nick Nolte.
Category 4)
If you know some of my Cat 2 movies, I'm kind of on a theme here you might not have considered - outdoor movies. In this category there are a couple very good ones.
A River Runs Through It. This is probably my all time favorite movie. I don't know why, but this movie goes right to my soul. I see my Dad and me all wrapped up in Tom Skeritt's role as a minister and Norman Maclean's role.
Jeremiah Johnson - I'm noticing as I'm typing the Robert Redford must be an actor I relate to. This is a mountain man movie, something most of my friends and I would have dreamed of doing when we were 12 years old.
In this outdoor category another good one is Dances with Wolves.
Hey Sam, it's Stuart logged in as Candace. MY PICKS:
Action/Adventure: Leon the Professional (Jean Reno), Memento, Usual Suspects (Kevin Spacey), There Will be Blood
Drama: Cold Mountain, Bella, Big Fish, The Namesake, The Natural
Comedy: Almost Famous, Swingers, Raising Arizona
In theatres; Slumdog Millionaire
i'm not organized enough to put these flicks into the correct categories....but here are some of my all time favorites!
-Best in Show (mocumentary on dog show people)
-Legends of the Fall (gritty/tough western love)
-A River Runs Through it (life lessons and fly fishing...does it get any better?!)
-Boogie Nights (porn stars and rollerskates...yes please!)
Here's your dad's and my must-see movies:
Anatomy of a Murder (Jimmy Stewart, murder in Big Bay, Michigan, near Marquette, true story)
Rear Window
Great Santini
Twelve Angry Men
Scent of a Woman
Maltese Falcon
Foul Play
The In-Laws (I agree with Jim B., the old version)
Continental Divide
The Great Outdoors
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Silver Streak
Sand Lot
City Slickers
Romantic movies:
Three Weddings and a Funeral
Casa Blanca
African Queen
Annie Hall
When Harry Met Sally
Hi Sam,
Thank you for your updates and your wisdom. I'm thinking about you often and wondering where I can drop off a mixed cd for you? Shoot me an email and let me know whenever you get the chance, no rush of course (
After reviewing some of the suggestions already posted, I'll have to go ahead and second many of them, including Shrek (just saw last night and liked it very much, especially Donkey), Airplane, and When Harry Met Sally. Now, one of my all-time favorites is Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy. What a great one! And along the same lines, Uncle Buck. I'm basically a John Hughes whore, so Home Alone and all those brat pack movies are in there too. :)
I'm so glad you're getting in time to ride on your trainer. Sending tons of good energy your way for the steep parts,
Hey Sam, I'm thinkin hard about movies, I'll get back to you soon. In the mean time, have you seen 'The Landlord' on youtube?
Hey Sam,
I feel bad about not commenting sooner. I have limited internet capabilities in Minnesota.
I'm glad to hear you are doing well and that you are watching Arrested Development...its probably my favorite TV show ever.
I've been told that my taste in movies is terrible, but, having said that, one of my favorite comedies is Blades of Glory...that movie gets me every time!
Also, I'm a big fan of V for Vendetta, but that movie is a little long.
At the end of the day, I can never go wrong with Hairspray (the recent one). I know its cheesy, but it always leaves me really happy!
I'm sorry I missed your birthday!
Happy belated 23rd Sam!!!!!
Sam few to occupy the hours: "Inherit the Wind" the original with Spencer Tracy and Fredrick March; "Waking Ned Devine"; "Sneakers" How can it be bad with Redford, Aykroyd, Poitier, Kingsley, & Strathairn and for stupid and laughable " The Pink Panther"
You are doing great and thanks for the blog. hugs,
Definitely get Step Brothers, Pineapple Express, and Jumper. Or you could always catch up on tv shows like Dexter, Weeds, Big Love, etc...
I'll come up with more. But my first thought for category #2- The American President. (Predecessor to the West Wing).
To top things off- the president Michael Douglas was a UW Madison professor before his presidency. I cry every time... :)
I was thinking of you today when we were braving the cold (ok, not Wisconsin cold, DC cold) and 2 million people for 8 hours to take part in history today. I think the positive vibes generated, despite the miserable weather, has to percolate on over to you in DC. It was an amazing experience. I don't think I've felt more positive vibes in my entire life. And I got to see the headline "Obamas Juggle Inaugural Balls". please say you laughed as loudly as I did at that.
So, movies
If you don't already, you have to watch 30 Rock. Absolutely amazing. Also, the Wire is probably the best show I've ever seen. Highly addicting.
Trailer Park Boys (simply the funniest show I've seen in a long long time). Canadian recidivists who get drunk and grow dope and their antics.
Firefly (and Serenity)
Battlestar Galactica (no apologies!)
A Fish Called Wanda
I second Drop Dead Gorgeous. Somehow Minnesotans always bring a smile to my face.
Forgetting Sara Marshall
Ed Wood
The Baxter (a romantic comedy by the Wet Hot American Summer guys)
Flirting With Disaster
The long goodbye
McCabe and Mrs Miller (Just go on an Altman Binge)
Blame it on Fidel
The Crime of Padre Amaro
Must sees:
The Lives of Others
The Big Lebowski (can you see this too many times?)
Since you probably won't go to theaters much, The Times of Harvey Milk is a great documentary about Harvey Milk that was made shortly after his assassination. Good context for when you do see Milk (which is phenomenal).
Ghost Town
Ground Hogs day (always warms my heart)
That's a good starter list. As you might have noticed, Katie and I have no social life in DC and drinking somehow isn't as cool as in college (or very affordable), sooo we are admitted Netflix addicts ourselves.
PS My parents love the blog and probably can't figure out how to create a profile. They send their best.
Erik is still thinking very seriously about his top movie picks, so, in the meantime, I will share mine.
Comedy: Little Miss Sunshine, Knocked Up-but since I know you've seen that one- Superbad, Dodgeball, and I second the Talledega Nights suggestion. I thought it would be stupid and it was...but it's certain to make you giggle.
Romance: Amelie is on of my favorites. Also, Beautiful Girls, Sabrina (the older version) and An Affair To Remember.
Action: Kill Bill Volumes I and II!! Uma kicks ass! Pirate of the Caribbean-all three.
And finally, my anything category: Across the Universe, Lost In Translation, Finding Nemo, and Wall E
I second a lot of the movies already suggested.
Romantic/comedy (yet still watchable til the end):
P.S. I Love You
Definitely, Maybe
Dan In Real Life
Just Plain Good:
There Will Be Blood
Gone Baby Gone
No Country For Old Men
Bourne Ultimatum
I Am Legend
Hope you haven't seen to many of these. Thinking of you and sending good vibes always!
Hi Sam! I have become a netflix great escape when I cannot escape. Here are some of my favorites:
Comedy - 30 Rock (can watch instantly on netflix), 40 yr Old Virgin (I was slightly embarrassed about how hard I laughed...), Wild Hogs (an Uncle Harvey favorite), any Christopher Guest film - Best in Show is my #1, LA Story. The British "office" is the funniest show I have ever seen - another one that you can watch instantly. Some other random favorites (non-comedy category....such laziness): Harvey, Roman Holiday, Shawshank Redemption, Tings We Lost int he Fire, Once.
Happy movie watching!
second hand lions is another fabulous feel good flick!
why isn't there spell check on this comment section. obviously I rely heavily on that little perk!
so i am kinda late on this one.
raising arizona
a fish called wanda (gotta back jesse up on this one, plus it is one of my dad's favorites)
extras (british tv series)
romantic comedies:
normally i don't dig these movies but my old roommate ryan had me watch 13 going on 30 and i loved it.
the professional-- i just saw it so it is the first thing that comes to mind.
the enigma of kasper hauser (german)
must see:
jackie brown
carlito's way
hope all is well,
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