Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blast #3 and a New Mantra

I was blasted for the third time this morning and while I'm a bit beat up, I'm in good spirits and excited because all early indications suggest that the Leukemia is in far worse shape than I. While doctors estimate Leukemia cells comprised 50-60 percent of my bone marrow before I started treatment, the preliminary results of a bone marrow biopsy performed on day 7 of treatment (one blast in) suggest I had just 2% Leukemia cells left in my marrow at that time.

This news makes being beat up from treatment extremely tolerable. I know I can handle the discomfort of the treatment, and, with the knowledge that the Leukemia cells are dying, I can't help but look forward to going in each week to make them suffer. I have a new, simple mantra for chemo -- "Bring it On."

I have to throw the disclaimer that there are no guarantees in treatment, and all of this news should be viewed through a lens of cautious optimism. That being said, I continue to hold faith that this adventure will all go down in the books, as I have told many of you, "as another adventure in the long life of Sam Weis"

On the artful side of life, the cocktail of drugs they have me on diminishes my ability to concentrate, making simple tasks like following a TV program or reading a novel difficult. My newly concentrated A.D.D. has renewed my interest in poetry, and my time in waiting rooms is providing me with some time to write in short poetic prose, which I very much enjoy. So I'll occasionally share with you some poetry that I'm writing. Below you'll find one I wrote shortly after starting treatment. I hope you enjoy.

Till next time,


I want to die an old man
sitting in a chair by the sea
with the sweet smell of salt in my nose,
a belly full of warm gumbo and cold beer,
and a fishing rod at my side.

The ladies of the island will mourn
the loss of the leathered old man
they so often passed on the beach
with his sly suggestive smile
and a quiet nod.

If I should die a crusty old man
sitting in my chair by the sea
with sand in my hair
and skin darkened by the sun,
then it will be with a serene, satisfied smile.


Schmidty said...

excellent news, Sam. show those cancer cells who's boss.

you inspire me.


Dennis said...

Ted Kooser would enjoy your poetry.



Katie Lee said...

Hi Sam- just got the link for your blog. Your positive outlook is so amazing, keep it up! I'd love to see you sometime!!!!

Katie Lee

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I really like your poem Sam! And, I am reminded of the few times I've hitched a ride with you and usually you had Jimmy Buffet playing in the backround. That's classic.

AuntieLin said...

I liked your poem Sam and I love your attitude.