Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Statement of Intent

As many of you already know, two weeks ago I was diagnosed with a form of leukemia known as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or A.L.L. As a twenty two year old and a recent graduate of college just beginning my adult life, the diagnosis came as a serious shock. My life has changed significantly in an extremely short period of time (mostly in a good way strangely enough), and I think it's important that I document this journey. My favorite weapon is the written word, and this blog is intended to be a place for me to gather my thoughts, let those following me know how i'm doing, and i hope that someday it can be a resource for others battling my disease.

I must warn the reader that this blog will be about life, and life often deserves an NC17 rating. I intend to be open and vivid about everything that I am going through good and bad. Humor, insight, and wisdom can often be found in the most unlikely of places, and I will hunt them with unwaivering persistence. Please don't get squeamish or offended when I discuss procedures or masturbating into a cup (i've got your attention now, don't i?), its all part of the experience.

As a final note, I will not allow cancer to define me as an individual. This journal will document my life in treatment and outside. It will include my favorite stories of the past and my greatest hopes for the future.

I hope you'll follow me on this journey. What is in store I cannot begin to predict. The only certainty is that it shall be interesting.


Keithslady said...

I look forward to following your journey. I remember your skill with the written word from your senior year of high school when I was on the committee to approve and select graduation speeches. I believe you were student class president and a shoe in for giving a speech, but you would have made it without that endorsement.

Cindy White

kim823marie said...

Although I have known you and your family since you were about 4 years old, I look forward to getting to know you better. Already I admire and appreciate you all the more after just reading your first blog. You are such an inspiration.

Susan said...

You will certainly not be alone on this journey - you have the gift of many friends and loving family. It is true that we grow and learn most through adversity....wouldn't it be so much more fun to grow and learn best through ease? ah's to you, my dear cousin-nephew (that's a "kate-ism", and a good one at that!). Much love, Susan